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 Our workshops

You’ll leave with a grin on your face from successfully applying what you learned in a real conversation.


Geyserville, CA


Workshops planned for 2024


Here’s what we have in store for 2024.


Finding your purpose in work and life

2 hours

Being clear on our purpose is the first step in knowing where we’re going. However many of us struggle to connect with a deeper sense of meaning, letting obstacles like the approval of others, following a prescribed career path, or not believing in ourselves stop us from finding it. Put pen to paper to discover your purpose and leave with a personal vision to guide you going forward. 


Overcoming and learning from setbacks

2 hours

Obstacles, roadblocks, and setbacks – we all face them from time-to-time. While our fear of failure, tendency to ruminate, and struggles to let it go can derail us, it is possible to get up, dust ourselves off, and move forward faster. Learn how to strengthen your resilience to emerge stronger and better prepared to face new challenges.


Giving and receiving feedback

2 hours

Let’s be honest we all hate being criticized. For many of us we avoid giving feedback, we haven’t been taught a good way to do it, and the mere thought of it makes us so darn uncomfortable we avoid giving it. However there is an art to both giving and receiving feedback in a way that’s useful (and more comfortable) for everyone. Bring a model for giving feedback to life as you practice it in common scenarios we face at work.


Becoming a better listener

2 hours

Ever been in a conversation or meeting where you didn’t feel heard? Even worse, ever gotten feedback that you weren’t the one listening? If you’re like most of us, chances are you’ve found yourself in both situations. When we think about our natural desire to connect with others, being distracted, and heck not even being motivated to listen in some situations...Houston we have a problem. Learn how to listen with both your ears and your eyes as you practice listening in all too familiar situations.


Making effective decisions

2 hours

The teams we lead often feel frustrated when it comes to how decisions are made. Their pain points include things like not being clear on who the decision maker is and where they can– and can’t –drive decisions on their own. And bless our little cotton socks, sometimes as managers we’re part of the problem. Become more intentional in your own decision-making, gaining new awareness, techniques, and skills you’ll apply immediately in a few scenarios that will feel a little say the least.


Successfully tackling conflict at work

2 hours

Managers often find themselves at the heart of conflict. Yet with things at play like the fear of talking about it, being worried about hurting others, and not wanting to rock the boat, avoiding conflict puts us in an even worse predicament. We fail to make trade-offs, we don’t express our own frustrations, and sometimes we even tolerate poor performance. Learn about your own conflict style as you practice new skills in a conversation that gets you constructively working through the issues on the table.